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Catsl 風コンビーフキャベツスープの作り方
Recipe of the catsl corned beef and cabbage soup


中サイズジャガイモ4 個を2.5 センチ角程度にカット
( 4 middle sized potatoes cuted to 1 inch square)
玉葱1 個を1/8 にカット
(1 onion cuted to 8 pieces)
人参1 個(適当にカット)
(1 carrot cuted to as you like)
ベーコン1 枚
(1 bacon slice)
(Libby’s corned beef 340gr)
キャベツ1 個(1/4 にカット)
( 1 cabbage cuted to 4 pieces)


@1,2,3,4 を大き目のなべにオリーブオイル大さじいっぱい入れて1 分炒める
 (fry 1,2,3,4 with spoonful olive oil for 1 minute in a large size pan)
A5,6 を加え水を1 リットル加え1 時間ほど煮込む
 (boil,6 and 1 liter water for 1 hour)
 (add salt,pepper and demiglace sauce as you like)

C.A.T.Systems Limited Since 1990